Valentine’s Day Cord Cutting Spell

$45.00 Sold Out

Image of Valentine’s Day Cord Cutting Spell

How To Cast A Cord Cutting Spell
(Pre-Recorded 1 Hour Video)
Spots are limited

* Video goes out February 14th (updated).
* You will receive class syllabus, including a list of supplies needed ASAP.

You will learn:

🗡️ A Cord Cutting Spell (start to finish)

🗡️ How to make a cord cutting bath (aftercare)

🗡️How to conjure angels to assist you

🗡️ Energy work to detect, cut, remove toxic cords and balance your energetic field.

Cord Cutting Rituals are used to cut ties to toxic people, spirits, and energies that are draining your energy and causing you to repeat negative patterns and attract the same type of people and situations over and over again. The overall goal is clear your energetic dating history so you can attract healthier more loving relationships.

You will receive a list of supplies need ASAP.
You will receive the pre-recorded ritual on the evening of February 13th, that you can keep and use it forever.

Spots are limited.
